Sustainable Impact
- Unlock in Haitians the power to solve their own problems
- Build community self-sufficiency through economic development and systems-change
- Democratize power
- Cultivate personal dignity, cooperation, and confidence among community members
- Build collaboration and trust between Haitians and Americans
- Work in an integrated approach, not in silos.
- Before initiating any work, we jointly participate with local
experts and community leaders in inquiry-based, relationship-building
dialogue, which leads to essential trust and transparency.
- This realigns the balance of power (from those with money/knowledge/resources to those with local insight/experience).
- It also empowers the people who will benefit most from CEI’s work by
enabling them to decide upon and enact solutions that are best for
- This feeds the sustainability of our work, as local community members invest in their success from the outset.
- We create partnerships with local communities before the program
design phase—this is what makes CEI unique and makes our model work so
- We partner with a Haitian Community Based Organization (a legally
registered organization in Haiti; the equivalent of a nonprofit in the
U.S) to ensure everything we do is effective, transparent and culturally
- We create financial transparency for every project, every dollar spent.
- We offer thought leadership and partnership.