“The best way to develop a country is through the kind of education that changes people’s mentality. CEI’s programs are not welfare. They are not a handout. They are a new kind of development.”
Jean Renel Louis, CEI Music and Art Program Director
CEI Arts Programs:
- Foster creativity, collaboration, & team work
- Develop perseverance, discipline, & self-confidence
- Create sense of civic pride and sense of personal potential

CEI’s music program is the only one of its kind in the region, and has become a well-known favorite, playing at festivals, holidays, and concerts.
Music Program Benefits
(as cited in research by Johns Hopkins)
- Focuses concentration, increases attention, & improves memory
- Establishes positive learning state, changes brain wave states, & energizes learning activities
- Enhances imagination, relieves tension, aligns groups, & develops rapport

Art compels us to empathize with others and to reflect on ourselves and our shared existence. It contributes to the health of a society.
Art Program Benefits
- Increases desire for civic engagement & greater social tolerance (Brookings Institute)
- Fosters creativity & sense of personal potential
- Improves motor control, attention, & motivation

Films are a vehicle for socioeconomic development, conflict resolution, education & training, as well as a source of entertainment.
CEI partners with MobiCINÊ, MWÊM, and Fast Forward Haiti to bring cultural and educational films to all communities where we work.
Topics include:
- Health & family planning
- Violence against women & children
- Haitian history, heritage, and culture
- Agriculture & environment
- Envisioning one’s part in creating a new Haiti